Extraordinary Health Magazine Extraordinary Health Vol 22 | Page 23

APPLE CHOCOLATE ENERGY LEMON GINGER Taste the sensation of RAW Organic Apples with Garden of Life’s Apple, Perfect Food® RAW The rich taste of Chocolate, from real, RAW Chocolate Cacao comes to life in Garden of Life’s Chocolate Cacao Perfect Food® RAW Garden of Life Perfect Food® Energizer with Guayaki® brand Yerba Maté adds the light refreshing flavor of maté tea. It’s a taste that’s subtle, with a special, delicious twist. Perfect Food® Alkalizer & Detoxifier from Garden of Life combines digestive soothing ginger with organic lemon for fresh, zesty flavor. Greener Greens with Nutritionally Charged Superfoods—Cereal Grasses, Sea Veggies and More Let’s raise the green bar even higher with some greener greens. High-quality greens such as broccoli, spinach and kale are amazing superfoods, but there are also cereal grasses and sea veggies to consider. Cereal grasses are the young green plants of cereal grain. All cereal grasses, including the green leaves of wheat, barley, rye, oat and kamut, are nutrient-dense foods. They are high in chlorophyll, beta-carotene, vitamins C and E and are a good plant source of complete protein. Now let’s not forget about the green power of sea veggies, namely spirulina and chlorella. They’re are among the richest sources of chlorophyll. These one-celled, water-dwelling plants have been on earth for a very long time. They’re in a continual rate of expansion and growth, allowing them to store incredible energy and to harbor extremely high nutrient content. Among their nutrients are protein, all the B vitamins, vitamins C and E, trace minerals, amino acids, omega-3s and GLA fatty acids— fatty acids that produce something called prostaglandin 1, which is important for a healthy heart, vascular and immune health as well as healthy cholesterol and insulin levels. Wheatgrass is a favorite green of many—often in the form of wheatgrass shots. Each shot is equivalent to some of the most nutritious leafy green vegetables imaginable. It’s so concentrated, that some say two wheat grass shots are equivalent to nearly three pounds of vegetables in vitamins, minerals and live nutrient energy! Additionally, sea veggies are abundant in beta-carotene and the nucleic acids ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which are known for their benefits to cellular health. They’re also natural detoxifiers. Wheat grass juice shots are also deep green in color, due to the nearly 70 percent chlorophyll content. Wheat grass juice also provides protein, including all essential amino acids. Get “Greenest” from Nutrient-Dense, CLEAN, RAW, Juiced, Certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified Greens Additionally, wheat grass juice supports the growth of Lactobacilli, the healthy bacteria which grow naturally in the human digestive tract. Wheat grass juice is also teeming with enzymes—that is, if it’s not overprocessed or overheated. That’s why it’s good to have your greens—raw. The aforementioned green superfoods are packed with nutrients and more, but it’s the green juices of those green superfoods that contain an abundance of chlorophyll, enzymes, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, provitamin A, B-complex vitamins, vitamins C, E and K as well as other nutrients. But we can’t stop there. Let’s discuss the greenest greens.