Extraordinary Health Magazine Extraordinary Health Vol 22 | Page 22

Green Greener Greenest By Julie Helm When it comes to greens, it makes sense to choose the greenest greens possible. Here’s what to look for to make sure you do. So you’re being intentional about getting enough greens in your diet. That’s great! Then you’re on your way to outperforming nearly 91 percent of Americans— those who don’t eat the recommended five-to-nine daily servings of fruits and veggies, including green ones. Greens offer some serious health benefits. But not all green foods are created equal or can deliver the same benefits. The truth is that there are green greens, greener greens and the greenest greens. Check them out. Green Greens from “Regular” Green Foods We’re not picking on any green food here, but not all green foods offer the same benefits. For instance, ther