EXCERPT FROM BETRAYED - A romantic suspense novel | Page 33

BETRAYED “Yeah, I sure outsmarted him.” Daily mumbled under his breath, “And look what it got you.” Oblivious to his comment, she rattled on about Patrick’s wife. By now Officer Daily had taken to tapping his fingers on the desk. “Mrs. Murphy, that’s really interesting, but please stay on track here. Do you think your daughter might be at his house?” “Nah. I called him.” “Okay, so what’s this Sherry’s last name?” She didn’t answer. His voice softened. “Look, I know this is hard for you, but I’ve asked you the same question three times now. I need Sherry’s last name for my report. I’m sure you must know what it is.” She still didn’t say anything. He scraped his foot against the worn green linoleum. “Look lady. It’s getting late and they don’t approve overtime. Let’s just get this over with, okay?” Maude was about to snap back at him, when Mary Margaret got his attention with a strong, confident voice. “I don’t think Mama remembers it. It’s Martin. Her last name is Martin.” “Good. That’s what I need, Kid. Okay, do you know where she lives?” “What?” “I said do you know where she lives?” Both of them shook their heads. Mary Margaret said, “No, I’m sorry. We don’t.” Sgt. Daily rolled his eyes in disgust. “Okay, okay, what does she look like?” Maude gave him an