EXCERPT FROM BETRAYED - A romantic suspense novel | Page 13

BETRAYED kidnapping. White slavery! You’re an idiot. Just count me out.” Tommy wasn’t one bit concerned. He knew how Sherry’s mind worked. Her first reaction was always like that if she sensed risk. Then, almost as quickly, she would look at the whole picture. In this case, he knew the potential of making a lot of money would rise to the top. True to form, a few minutes later, she’d put her arms around him. “You know, Tommy, I was thinking, maybe they would stop looking for her after awhile.” “You bet, Baby. Trust me. It’ll work.” And, Sherry had come around, just like he’d known she would. ~~~~ Tommy looked over at Laurel, who had begun to whimper in her sleep, then shrugged. “Too bad we have to keep her so drugged up, but no sense taking chances.” For the most part everything went as planned from the time they decided to kidnap her. Sherry signed up for classes the next day, took it slow, and after a Saturday class a few weeks later, invited Laurel to lunch. She came home that evening, all puffed out like a proud peacock. “We’re on our way, Tommy Boy. I figured all she could do was say no, so I suggested lunch. The kid surprised me. She said okay.” After that, Sherry stopped by Laurel’s house often and acted like a big sister. They went to the movies, lunch or shopping. By the time a few weeks had passed, the