Event Safety Insights Issue One | Fall 2016 | Page 49

the prospect of spending a long stint in the ER or incapacitated for months without income is somehow regarded as a good risk to take? Last we checked we’re all still very mortal and have a great many reasons to keep ourselves healthy and out of harm’s way enough to continue to be able to pursue our individual life goals. So if you don’t do it for anyone else, do it for your own self preservation. These ideas will become commonplace as the culture changes, whether we get there kicking and screaming or embracing our compassion for one another is a choice you get to make. considerations will help: Do these things really matter…unequivocally yes! There is little doubt that when a highly functioning team are in PPE there is an unmistakable visual reminder for everyone that work is being performed in a potentially dangerous environment. Your mind cannot help but be more conSurely there is a better application for this in- scious of safety when you look out and see hard domitable American spirit than risking EVERY- hats and hi-vis. Even if your protection never THING for a millisecond of time saved or our gets put to the test (something we ALL hope bravado? for), requiring PPE use is a clear message to everyone that both your personal and your company’s commitment to safety is a priority and careless behaviors will not be tolerated. Perhaps an easy checklist of • Everyone on the deck while overhead work is going on should be in a hardhat or not in the area; • Ground riggers or other competent individuals should be maintaining control and limiting access to areas underneath overhead work so those not required to be there do not enter the danger zone and those required to be there are wearing PPE; • While trucks are loading and unloading and heavy equipment such as forklifts are being used everyone in the work zone should be in high-vis to minimize the risk of impact; • Steel toed shoes or other means of foot protection should be utilized during the same period of load in/out and while heavy equipment is being used; • Designate a leader on your team to both lead by example and use tactful reminders of the importance of PPE; 49