Event Safety Insights Issue One | Fall 2016 | Page 25

Do you have a meteorologist on your team ?

By Dax Cochran

Most event professionals now agree that having a weather action plan is an imperative , regardless of event size . Being prepared to act quickly and decisively when severe weather threatens can make the difference between experiencing a minor inconvenience and a catastrophe .

However , even the most comprehensive weather plans are only as good as your knowledge of the threat . Effective implementation requires a thorough understanding of the behavior and impacts posed by severe weather , along with a reliable means of monitoring current and anticipated conditions .
There are a number of mobile apps and online resources available on the market that can supply current weather information . However , the quality and timeliness of this data often varies greatly , and leaves the end user to accurately interpret “ what it all means ” in order to determine an appropriate response - a difficult task for even the most experienced weather professional .
One effective alternative to “ going it alone ” is to employ a professional weather weather service . Combining mobile technology with a dedicated professional meteorologist , these services can provide specialized forecasting , monitoring , and alerting solutions based on the unique characteristics of your event . Utilizing information provided by the end user ( such as structural and environmental requirements ), some services can monitor weather conditions virtually anywhere on the planet , and provide 24 / 7 notification when conditions are expected to exceed pre-established thresholds .
Despite rapid advancements in forecasting technology , the investment for such services remains reasonable for most every event . When you ’ re putting together your next weather action plan , consider adding a professional meteorologist to your crew .