European Policy Analysis Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2015

EPA European Policy Analysis Volume 1 - Number 1 - Spring 2015 Special Issue: “The Governance of Welfare Markets” Enhancing gender equity through evidence-based policymaking? Theorizing and tracing the use of systematic knowledge in family and tax policy reforms Joachim Blatter, Clara Bombach, Roman Wiprächtiger_________________________________3 Introduction to the special issue: The governance of welfare markets – trends and challenges Tanja Klenk_________________________________________________________________35 Restructuring the Mixed Economy of Welfare: Three Modes of Privatization Neil Gilbert_________________________________________________________________41 The Privatization and Marketization of Pensions in Europe: A Double Transformation Facing the Crisis Bernhard Ebbinghaus_________________________________________________________56 Portability of Supplementary Pension Rights in Europe: A Lowest Common Denominator Solution Igor Guardiancich____________________________________________________________74 The Developing Trajectory of the Marketization of Public Employment Services in Denmark: A New Way Forward or the End of Marketization? Karen N. Breidahl, Flemming Larsen______________________________________________92 The governance of hospital markets: Comparing two Bismarckian countries Tanja Klenk, Renate Reiter_____________________________________________________108 Bending the Rules to Play the Game: Accountability, DRG and Waiting List Scandals in Norway and Germany Simon Neby, Per Lægreid, Paola Mattei, Therese Feiler_______________________________127 Change agents and service providers? User organizations in the German healthcare system Benjamin Ewert_____________________________________________________________129