Emmanuel Magazine March/April 2017 | Page 10

“ Underlying popular piety , as a fruit of the inculturated Gospel , is an active evangelizing power which we must not underestimate ; to do so would be to fail to recognize the work of the Holy Spirit . Instead , we are called to promote and strengthen it , in order to deepen the never-ending process of inculturation . Expressions of popular piety have much to teach us ; for those who are capable of reading them , they are a locus theologicus which demands our attention , especially at a time when we are looking to the new evangelization ” ( EG , 126 ).
Before he was elected pope , the then-Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio spoke in a 2012 lecture about the “ theology of the people ,” which he holds in high esteem . He explained the inner sense of this “ theology of the people ,” emphasizing that popular piety is the antithesis of widespread secularization . This theology is founded on common peoples ’ culture and devotion , including spirituality and a sense of justice ; it manifests “ the faith of our humble people .”
For Cardinal Bergoglio , Latin America is largely characterized by poverty and Christianity ; the latter is expressed by various and colorful forms of popular piety such as processions , vigils , and public prayer . He said : “ When we approach our people with the gaze of the Good Shepherd , when we do not come to judge but to love , we can find out that this cultural way to express the Christian faith is still present among us , especially in our poor .” He affirmed that “ popular spirituality is the original way through which the Holy Spirit has led and continues to lead millions of our brothers .”
Cardinal Bergoglio himself promoted various forms of popular piety in Buenos Aires . For example , he popularized the devotion to “ Our Lady , Undoer of Knots .” He propagated the suggestive image of La Virgen Desatanudos , a title originating in Augsburg , Germany [ Maria Knotenlöserin ]. He has also popularized the image of the “ Sleeping Saint Joseph .” Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila has affirmed that Pope Francis is very comfortable with popular religiosity because it is a means “ to strengthen the faith ”; in popular piety , “ the Holy Spirit and the culture of the poor meet .” Undoubtedly , popular piety is a rich foundation on which priests can build their pastoral ministry .
9 . Be Genuinely Sensitive to Those on the “ Fringes ” and “ Margins ”
From the very beginning of his ministry as the Bishop of Rome , Pope