ELTABB Journal Volume 1 | Seite 18

, I have subscribed to lots of podcasts so finding a suitable one isn’t too difficult and then I just mail them a link. Podcasts In Business English One-To-Ones Phil Wade Phil Wade designs and delivers BE and ESP courses to managers and directors in France. He is the author of several e360 courses and an ELT Social Media Manager. Background I teach a number of high level Business people in a one-to-one context. They generally have very little time for lessons and practically none for any out-of-class study but they are dedicated to sustaining or improving their levels of English. I have to maximise the limited face-to-face time I have with my students but still try to include a mix of different input and output opportunities. As my students are all involved in senior decision making, they are interested in their industries and the business world in general. They keep abreast of issues via the press and are quite ‘tech savvy’, using iPods and iPads on a daily basis. Thus, it was no surprise that I was asked to integrate this into my methodology and I have done so by using business podcasts and my own feedback podcasts. Students listen to them on the way to work, during their breaks and even while having lunch. Podcasts iTunes has a wealth of podcasts for any teacher and you can subscribe to most of them for free. Here are some of my favourites which are regularly updated I listen to the podcasts, note down the main ideas, useful language and anything which can be used as revision from a previous lesson. Then, in the class, whether it be a physical face-to-face, an online lesson or a phone lesson, I begin with asking them for a summary or just their thoughts on the podcast. This then develops into a discussion as I ask them questions relating the topic to their job and we go over the key points and language which they didn’t understand or which is useful for the topic. As we go, I keep notes of emergent errors and weaknesses to be worked on during or following the lesson. For feedback, on account of the very short time we often have together, I record my own mp3 podcasts where I Bloomberg explain the new language and McKinsey: Finance highlight and expand on their difficulties. Even though, I do Accenture: Management provide a feedback document, every student prefers the You can also find more listed by recordings and one even said he business topic here: listens to them several times to help revise all his classes. Using podcasts Logistics I recommend a podcast before every lesson for my students to listen to. However, they often have specific requests for something related to their work or a topic from the press. Thanks to my iPad, I have subscribed to lots of podcasts so finding a suitable one isn’t too difficult and then I just mail them a link. Utilising and recording podcasts can seem complicated at the start but it really saves me a lot of time and is very effective. Of course, there are times when students don’t listen to the chosen one and you have to discuss the topic from your notes but this does give them an incentive to listen to it afterwards 18