ELC Newsletter Fall 2016 | Page 2

Special Programs Updates Continued from Page 1

In Fall Semester 2016 , Mark has continued learning about ELC Special Programs and getting to know those involved in existing and upcoming programs . He traveled to Panamá in September to attend Panamá TESOL and visit a few local elementary schools , and in late November he made his way back to Hallym University in South Korea to meet with a new group of students who will come to the ELC in January .
2017 will be another busy year for Special Programs at the ELC . In spring , in addition to the Hallym University group , the ELC looks forward to welcoming a new group of teachers from the Panamá Bilingue program who will study English , take part in a teacher training program , and visit local schools . In summer of 2017 , in addition to many other programs , the ELC plans to welcome its 16th group of professionals from the Takenaka Corporation . The group will study in the Intensive English Program , and they will also attend business English , construction management , and business culture seminars .
In addition to their studies , many of the Special Programs will continue to make trips in the local area , such as to the Capitol in Lansing , the Michigan History Museum , and the Nokomis Learning Center , as well as to Saugatuck , Frankenmuth , Chicago , and Niagara Falls . Many of these trips will be open to all ELC students , so keep your eyes open for these great chances to make new friends and go somewhere you haven ’ t been !
Mark and Chodang University students in Korea
Learning about sake in Hiroshima , Japan

ELC Hosts Students From Mexico

University students from Mexico and China at MSU to study English
In July , the ELC hosted a group of students from Mexico who came to MSU to study English and American culture for four weeks . The students were participants of the Mexican government ’ s initiative called Proyecta 100,000 . The goal of the progran is to send 100,000 Mexican learners to universities throughout the United States to study in short-term English language courses by 2018 . While at MSU , the students had intenstive English classes and a special course in American history . The Mexican students also had the special opportunity to have classes and activities together with Chinese students from the American Language and Culture program , hosted by the American Semester Program . The Chinese and Mexican students not only learned about U . S . language , history , and culture , but also another foreign country as well .