SMART Community Review (SCR) Jan/Feb 2014 | Page 3


From the Publishers

ECO Commerce Review Jan/Feb 2014

Eco Commerce is a new business, investment, and technology-development model that employs market-based solutions to balancing the world’s energy needs and environmental integrity. Through the use of trading and finance, Eco Commerce allows for the further development of clean technologies.

Our goal for Eco Commerce Review is to educate and inform readers about new information and opportunities in Eco Commerce, Innovation and Design.

To reach Tana directly [email protected]

Eco Innovation is the introduction of any new or significantly improved product, good or service, process, organizational change or marketing solution that reduces the use of natural resources, including materials, energy, water, and land, and decreases the release of harmful substances across the whole life-cycle.

We will use global resources for articles and reports and showcase innovative technologies, solutions, and experts in each issue.

To reach Minna directly

[email protected]

Tana Torrano

Minna LeVine