EatInEatOut Winter 2015 | Page 21

W ho knew you could do so much with simple cardamom? Have you even tried it? When it came time to select a spice to break-out in 2015, it was easy to select this totally unforgettable gem. Caradamom is native to India, Pakistan and Nepal. There are three main varieties; green cardamom (the most commanly used in recipes), black cardamom and white cardamom. Whole green cardamom comes in pods, which are removed and discarded, the seeds inside are ground for a unique spicy-sweet taste, with an intensely aramatic fragrance, almost a perfume. Green cardamom, the most comman, is also the world’s third-most expensive spice, with vanilla coming in at second and saffron at number one. Most of the time ground cardamom is teamed with cinnamon and nutmeg in Indian dishes. Let’s take a tour, with the help of Ontario Pork, and see where else cardamom can add its unique signature... WWW.EATINEATOUT.CA 21