Dreaming Big June Edition | Page 8

. Robert shrugged. "Life happens. I don't know if I was busy making other plans, but life happens." Robert leaned forward with a conspiratorial smile and spoke in a softer tone. "That's me slipping in a quote from John Lennon of The Beatles."

Mary looked thoughtful. "Oh yes, the Beatles. I'm unfamiliar with the quote."

"The quote is: Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

Mary looked around with an expression that made Robert think she was trying to understand the quote and to remember it. Maybe she would pass that one onto her husband later in the day.

"But..." Mary paused mulling over how to put her question into words. Finally she blurted it out. "But what about your children?"

Robert looked off the deck toward the lake. For the longest while he said nothing lost in thought. "I... I haven't spoken to them in years."

"What happened?"

Robert continued to look toward the lake. Was he too uncomfortable to look at Mary?

"I hurt my wife. She never forgave me. And..." Robert shrugged his shoulders in a resigned manner. "And neither did the kids."

Mary didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry."

Robert turned back to Mary and smiled. "I apologise. I'm sure you did not want to hear a sad story on such a wonderful day."

"No... I..."

"I take it you and your family had a nice Thanksgiving weekend together."

"Yes we did."

"Those are precious moments." Robert made an effort and was back being friendly and chipper. "I have many a fond memory of family get-togethers. Those are the times that will stay with you long after everybody has packed up and gone home."

Mary nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of packing up, I guess you're going home shortly."

"Yes. I'm putting together a few last items and cleaning. My husband is out running some errands and when he gets back, we will load up the car and go home."

"Every trip must come to an end, but hopefully when it does come to an end, we can say it was a good trip." Robert stood up and put his cup and saucer back on the tray. "Mary, you have been most kind."