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North Ave. O P 128 S # ! O P 45 ¤ £ 94 O P Deep Lake Rd. 59 116 S as s # ! R L ake d. # ! Q ! H utchins R d. Engle Dr. # ! 132 Ro Ste a rn s Scho ol Rd. 41 ¤ £ 102 S s Rd. O P 21 Cedar L ake Rd 83 S 120 Q ! # ! Rd . er O P 59 r Rd. n ne Bo O P O P 83 60 O P 176 12 ¤ £ # ! O P 21 O P 137 120 115 S 1 S 14th St. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. O P 137 105 S S S Pulaski Dr. O P 137 O P Programmed 43 38 243 Rd. Preliminary # # ! ! S 41 ¤ £ 146 S O P 176 # ! 0 ¦ ¨ § 94 0.5 O P 43 111 S O P 83 1 2 3 4 Miles O P 60 # ! M cH e O P 21 64 S O P 22 154 S # ! Ela Rd. ba R d. 53 49 S ¤ £ 45 208 S . • 2013 - 2018 Highway Improvement Program 83 d. xp 12 ¤ £ O P ds R E S Lake-Cook Rd. O P 94 oo s 14 ¤ £ 186 ¦ ¨ § Ri v en art Rd. Q ! Duffy Ln. 110 S Ed 66 S H O P Aptakisic Rd. 12 ¤ £ 22 w er Cu 14 ¤ £ O P 22 83 # ! 41 ¤ £ O P land R d. 22 W ei O P Prairie Rd. 59 Buffalo Grv Rd. O P 22 O P Arlington Hts. Rd. 22 d. O P See lists for reference information about mapped projects and those without specific locations. A summary project listing including funding information appears at the back of this document. Everett R d. Rd . yR nr Ke lse y R Gilm er Wilmot Rd. S Old 45 ¤ £ Riverwoods Rd. 12 ¤ £ d. Miller Rd. 84 Diamond Lake Rd. d. Qu entin Rd. yR l se S FY1318_6c O P ADA Ramps 2014 Bike Path Signage CARS Maintenance CARS System Upgrade 2011 CODEF Upgrade CPMS Upgrade Dial-a-Ride Expansion IDOT int sec LED upgrade ITS Activities 2006 ITS Activities 2009-2010 ITS Activities 2012 ITS-Highland Park Signal ITS-PASSAGE - Waukegan ITS-PASSAGE Elements 2013-2014 ITS-PASSAGE Elements 2016-2018 ITS-PASSAGE Integration 2012 ITS-PASSAGE Integration 2015 ITS-PASSAGE Integration 2018 ITS-Sheriffs Dept CAD Lake Cook Rd Misc Engineering CB 2012-2018 Misc Engineering MT 2012-2018 Misc Engineering ST 2016-2018 Non-MotorizedTravel 2013-2018 PACEBus Svc-NWCirculator Paratransit Coordinator Paratransit Dispatch Ctr Road Enhancements 2012-2018 Signal Coordination 2012-2018 Signal Equipment 2012-2016 Snow Route Analysis & Design TCAS Maintenance Wetland Mitigation # ! 142 14 O P Winch ester 118 S 152 S 190 S K e O P . Rd d. s R R ob e rt 176 155 115 104 S SS 120 45 ¤ £ ¨ Washing ton S t. St. Mary's Rd. ld i rfie Fa O P 176 94 # ! 97 Hawley St. R iver R d. 45 ¤ £ Peterson Rd. F remont Center Rd. Dar r ell Rd . 59 ¦ ¨ § Butterfield Rd. O P Midlothian Rd. . ll Rd m Gil e Da rr 239 S 131 O'Pl aine Rd. o W ils O P . Q ! 120 Alleghany Rd. # ! 83 Alm o nd Rd. # ! O P 132 Harris Rd. 241 S 117 S Sunset Ave. O P Rd. Hainesvi lle 134 York House Rd. # ! llin 113 S O P 233 S 225 S 112 S 92 P 34 SO S S 114 O P Rd # ! Lewis Ave. S 30 119 S n # ! 33rd St. Dil ley's Rd. 132 # ! # ! Big Hollow Rd. 132 S 222 S # ! 46 P 86 SO S 206 S O P 143 S # ! Monaville Rd. 137 21st St. Mil lb u rn Rd. Hunt Club Rd. 132 12 ¤ £ 221 S Gelden Rd. Gr State Park Rd. 176 S O 74 P S O P 21st St. Delany Rd. O P O P 9th St. ¦ ¨ § 173 120 Modernization Projects Not Identified by Location 83 Sau nder s Rd. 173 # ! Kilbourne Rd. O P Modernization Projects Not Identified by Location Russell Rd. 202 S Hunt Club Rd. 83 Kenosha Rd. Wilm ot Rd . Modernization Projects: 2013-2018 Highway Improvement Plan # !