DOT | Page 20

Modernizing the System reduces delays and increases safety by more efficiently operating the highway system, accommodating short-term traffic growth and the needs of non-motorists. Modernization projects are normally given second priority preference. Capital Table of Project Costs 2013 - 2018 Highway Improvement Program improvements for system modernization can install technology to help this priority: Lake County operates the award-winning Lake County PAS- Modernization Projects SAGE intelligent highway system Transportation Management Center. Most modernization projects are developed based on traffic engineering analysis. An example of a modernization project is the installation of left turn lanes and traffic signals at an intersection. Capacity Analysis Records System (CARS) software is employed to target potential projects. Traffic Crash Analysis System (TCAS) is used analyze traffic crashes on the county highway system. Projects which accommodate bicycle travel are also included in the modernization category. Lake County’s coordination of countywide paratransit services are also included in the modernization category. no of projects 12 1 2 15 2 2 30 4 23 1 4 50 146 Worktype Bikepath Bridges Engineering Support Enhancements Facility Guardrail Intersection Paratransit Plan Reconstruction Roadway Signals Total Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,058,000 91,400 164,600 2,467,800 177,000 131,000 24,571,900 3,629,700 4,258,200 2,644,400 18,855,340 20,872,600 $ 86,921,940 Figures shown cover only County Bridge, Motor Fuel, Matching, Sales Tax and Bond funds. They do not reflect pre-FY2013 or post-2018 project costs, but do include FY2012 carryover expenditures. 12 • 2013 - 2018 Highway Improvement Program