“ Original Gold Ceram ic ” Foreign Enterprise established in 2014 with the participation of British company “ Euro Ceramic Trade LLP ” carries out the production of architectural lining bricks . The total cost of the project made up 3.4 million USD with the annual production capacity of 25 million pieces . Currently 80 workers work at the enterprise . “ Angren kumir bricket ” Joint Venture established in 2012 with the participation of Khokimiyat ( City Administration ) of Tashkent area and British company “ Bradmax Ltd .” carries out the production of coal bricks . The total cost of the project made up 3,1 million USD with the annual production capacity of 45.4 thousand tons . Currently 50 workers work at the enterprise .
Bulgarian motor oils and industrial lubricants producer Prista Oil and Uzbekistan state owned company Uzneftmahsulot opened in 2016 a $ 19 million plant « Uz-Prista Recycling » in FEZ “ Angren ” for recycling 40 000 tons of waste oil annually . 40 % of the product will be directed to export .
III . Free Economic Zone “ Jizzakh ” Free economic zone “ Jizzakh ” with the affiliate in Syrdarya region of Syrdarya area has been established in accordance with the Decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan No . 4516 dated March 18 , 2013 .
In the territory of FEZ “ Jizzakh ” 20 projects with the total amount of investments 106 million USD have been implemented with the participation of foreign companies . “ PengSheng ” Joint Venture established in
2009 with the participation of the Association
“ Uzbekcharmpoyabzali ” and Chinese company “ Wenzhou Jinsheng Trade ” carries out the production of ceramic tiles and leather shoes . The total cost of the project made up 26.2 million USD with the annual production capacity of 4.0 million sq . m of ceramic tiles , processing of 600 thousand fells and production of 300 thousand pairs of leather shoes . Currently 800 workers work at the enterprise . “ PengzhongXingsheng ” Joint Venture established in 2013 with the participation of the Association “ Uzbekcharmpoyabzali ” and Chinese company “ ZTE ( Н . К .) Limited ” carries out the production of mobile phones . The total cost of the project made up 3.2 million USD with the annual production capacity of 100 thousand units . Currently 50 workers work at the enterprise . Joint venture “ Peng Sheng Casing ” established in 2013 with the participation of the Association “ Uzbekcharmpoyabzali ” and Chinese company “ W enzhou Jinsheng Trade ” carries out the processing of animal products . The total cost of the project made up 1,4 million USD with the annual production capacity of 1 thousand tons . Currently 100 workers work at the enterprise . Joint venture “ Peng Sheng Feed ” established in 2013 with the participation of the Association “ Uzbekcharmpoyabzali ” and Chinese company “ W enzhou Jinsheng Trade ” carries out the production of forages for domestic animals and poultry . The total cost of the project made up 1.0 million USD with the annual production capacity of 1 thousand tons . Currently 100 workers work at the enterprise .
Uzbekistan profile | January - 2017 www . uzbekistan . be 11