Department of Mathematics and Statistics Newsletter 2015 Newsletter | Page 5

Faculty highlights Andras Bezdek (pictured) and Gina Jackson, a lecturer in the department of Mathematics and Statistics, participated in the 10-day Summer Course (Re)design Seminar (June 2015) to assist and prepare faculty for teaching and supporting student success in Auburn’s engaged learning environments. Bezdek also delivered a plenary talk at the conference Intuitive Geometry, László Fejes Tóth Centennial, held at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics in Budapest in June 2015, and was the local organizer of the Mathematical Association of America Alabama State Dinner in February 2014 .  Ash Abebe was promoted to professor in fall 2015. He is the co-primary investigator of a $339,976 National Science Foundation grant titled, “Infusing Data-Enabled Active Learning in Mathematics and Statistics Courses 2014-2017.” The primary investigator is alumnus Carl Pettis (’06), associate professor and chair of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Alabama State University. Abebe was also an invited keynote speaker at the Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association Conference in Cape Town, South Africa, in November 2013 Nedret Billor received the 2014 Outstanding Teacher of Graduate Students Award and the 2014 Dr. Marie Kraska Award for Excellence in Teaching, both given by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. She was promoted to professor in fall 2013. Guanqun Cao was awarded a Simons Travel Grant in the amount of $35,000 over a five-year period starting September 2015 Yanzhao Cao delivered a keynote talk at the 9th International Conference on Computational at the National University of Singapore in January 2015. Narendra Govil completed the book, Progress in Approximation Theory and Applicable Complex Analysis - In the Memory of Q. I. Rahman, which has been accepted by Springer for publication in 2016 under the series Springer Optimization and its Applications (edited by N. K. Govil, Ram Mohapatra, M. A. Qazi, and G. Schmeisser). He was a plenary speaker at the 10th International Symposium of Geometric Function Theory and Applications, organized by the University of Oradea, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, and held in Băile Felix Spa, Romania, in August 2014. He was also invited to present a plenary talk at the International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications in IIT Roorkee, India, in December 2014. Govil serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Analysis and Applications. 5