Current Pedorthics | May-June 2017 | Vol.49, Issue 3 | Page 28

Orthotics and Rehabilitative Exercise tissue injuries. Furthermore, the use of shock absorbing insoles was not found to be effective in the prevention of injury. e of s u e h "T erapy h t c i t or tho y of a as a w g injur y tin preven ys been wa has al ebated d a hotly " topic... A previously published systematic review without meta-analysis concluded that custom orthotics were effective in the prevention of lower limb stress fractures and shin splints but not effective in the prevention soft tissue injuries or back pain. So what does this actually mean for us clinically? Well, one thing that becomes clear from the research is there is no proven reason for why orthotics work in the prevention of injury. We have an abundance of theories and mechanisms toward their prescription and manufacturing but yet no definite agreement amongst professionals. I take the approach that the orthotic is only one piece of the puzzle. I use the orthotics or similar devices to offload areas of increased pressure or repetitive stress and move on to other modalities to provide the best outcome for a patient, such as exercise prescription. STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING When studying at University the concept of strength and conditioning was not a topic or subject that seemed to be largely taught, or at least not in depth. Despite the over whelming amount of evidence available describing well prescribed and executed exercise programs as being effective in the prevention 26 Pedorthic Footcare Association Tomashevska thing e n o "Well, omes c that be rom clear f arch e s e r the is is there n ve no pro r fo reason otics th why or he t work in n of tio preven injur y."