Creek Speak | Page 49

Women ’ s Earnings : Why Don ’ t They Equal Men ’ s ? by Amber Massey
free labor was the bulwark of the agrarian economy . Thus , the issue of states ’ rights really translates to an issue of slavery .
The Confederate flag was created to represent the Confederacy and everything that it stood for , including its unwillingness to stop ownership of other human beings .
However , for the opposing side in this issue , the Confederate flag represents southern heritage and ideals . This is of course true and accurate only if the ownership of other human beings is included in this heritage .
A possible solution to this contentious issue would be to find a different symbol or object of the south that carries the same pride element for those who call it home , but also lacks the offensive element . To be proud of your place of origin is perfectly fine , but this reasoning can ’ t justify using a symbol of racial hatred .
The use of the Confederate flag today is hotly debated . Its meaning is open to interpretation . The Confederate flag was used for years as a symbol of racial hatred and treason against the United States . Pride in the place where one grew up is entirely laudable . However , it seems that there are a number of other objects that could be used to convey such pride in the same manner , without the hateful connotations that come as part of such a complicated history of the Confederate flag .

Women ’ s Earnings : Why Don ’ t They Equal Men ’ s ? by Amber Massey

Women all over the world toil in small 4x4 cubicles , their faces clenched in effort as they rapidly clack away at their keyboards , working six-to-ten-hour days . These women are just as well-educated as men , if not more , but seem to be paid less than men . Is the pay gap real ? If it is , what can we do about it ? Every woman who works full-time is paid 80 cents for every dollar that a man earns . The wage gap is big , and it ' s not getting any smaller . The Equal Pay Act has been around for over 50 years . It is intended to require equal pay for equal work , but it is ineffective because it does not force companies to be transparent about their human resource policies and decisions . Most women don ’ t have any way of knowing that their male colleagues get paid more unless they probe , creating conflict . This act needs to be strengthened , but not only that , it needs to be fair and equal . A hard-working woman can do the same work a man can . Therefore she should earn the same pay as a man does , or sometimes more , depending on her work .