Creative Sacred Living Magazine August 2014 | Page 36

lies in the interaction of the higher dimensions of space with the lower ones. The real source of all intelligent design lies in the formation of geometric shapes (such as crystals) as they interpenetrate all the dimensions of space. Geometry becomes sacred when it is studied (observed) in the context of universal spiritual truth.

The realm of three dimensional space seems to extend outward forever. However, the fourth dimension which is time also seems to go on forever, but it eventually must, by its sheer gravitational weight, spiral into itself back toward the past over a distance of billions of light years as each cycle of creation repeats itself perhaps in a slightly different way each time. However the fifth dimension, which is the abode of all possible motions, and having infinite potential energy, because it's so concentrated and so heavy, must by its own sheer weight immediately collapse and therefore curl back into itself within the distance of an atom's width.

All space has the bizarre property of having an electromagnetic shimmering at subatomic distances creating a constant "white noise" sound that can be heard between stations on any FM radio. Zero point (or "free") energy is therefore not just a theory, but something that can actually be observed, measured, and oftentimes heard on any FM radio. There is almost unlimited energy available within every cubic meter of space. The only things preventing its full utilization is skepticism, its extremely fine level of extension, and the right technology.

The realm of the atom is the gateway to higher dimensions beyond the four of space and time. At atomic scales all kinds of bizarre things happen: quantum particles reappear and disappear, waves become particles and particles turn back into waves, all causation melts into probability (either location or velocity is allowed but never both), and time often comes to a stop, is distorted, or even sometimes goes slightly in reverse. Subatomic particles are so minute that they easily fit in and exist well within the vibratory influence of the waves, twists and turns (multidimensional geometric curls) of space-time extending into the five dimensions of all probabilities and possibilities beyond time and space. Under the influence of zero point energy, subatomic particles jump around at an incredible speed giving them many times more mass and far more solidity than they would if no five dimensions existed.

The complex geometry of five dimensional space, where the uncertainty principle causes tremendous turbulence, is an everlasting source of energy that sustains all the building blocks (atoms) of creation. If this were not so, what would sustain electrons in their orbits? How or where would energy even exist or come about in the first place? The five-dimensional geometry of subatomic space is the ultimate source of all energy. Five-dimensional geometry is not only the source of all creation, but is also the sustainer of all creation which in turn is sustained from higher sources such as the sixth, seventh, eighth and even higher dimensions each being many times more tightly curled and concentrated as the number increases. Any particle of matter is where electromagnetic energy (light) has "lodged" into one of these multidimensional geometric curls.

The sequence of higher dimensions of sacred geometry may go on forever, however each one collapses

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