Creative Sacred Living Magazine August 2014 | Page 27

It feels good and dare I say, even sensual to slow down.

My morning coffee is a ritual of slow. I do not own a coffee maker. Instead, I make one cup of coffee at a time. Grinding the beans, heating the water, pouring over in slow circles. It takes time and it is worth it. Lessons here for all of my life.

Instead of rushing out the door, I am taking time to walk slowly, turn around and observe those I am leaving behind as I meet another appointment or head off to work. I say the words that rushing does not allow me to say. I look into the eyes of those who mean so much to me. This changes my day. It changes me. When considering the demands and invitations upon my time and energy, I am taking the time to move slowly through consideration. I am learning that few things are truly urgent. I wonder if we grab onto the urgent only because it makes us feel important? Or because it distracts us from important work in our lives? I confess that at times I have created a flurry of activity around myself because it

allowed a means of escape. It gave me an excuse. Too busy was a convenient answer to too difficult.

Slow movement requires attention. When we pay attention, we are more aware of what is needed and not needed in our lives. It may require us to take action on things we have ignored for far too long. The relationship that needs mending. The relationship that needs ending. Slowing down means we have to listen to our own truth and wisdom. We have to trust that we know what is needed.

No matter how we choose to live, we are creating our lives. We are choosing what to give to the small moments. Each moment deserves intention. Pause before saying yes. Pause before saying no. Pause before walking out. Pause before walking in. Savor life. Give to yourself and your life the power of the pause.

with Cynthia Lee




Cynthia Lee has released herself into the wild

where she is recovering

her natural instincts

and her inner wisdom

through the healing process

of intuitive art.

She lives her uncaged life

as a wife, mother of many,

mi-mi of two, artist,

and lifelong learner.

She rattles the cage, weaving words, asking deep questions, raising her voice to the moon, calling forth other spirited ones,

the wild-hearted women

who are seeking

their own authentic howl
