Creative Sacred Living Magazine August 2014 | Page 20

I think of it as the eagle and condor flying as side-bys in the same sky of mind. Mind refers to a whole brain that communicates with the body as well as the invisible intelligence surrounding our bodies. This notion of a whole body/mind in touch with Creator shakes the foundations of both religion and psychology. What will be considered normal when ordinary folks routinely converse with both the world of matter and the world of spirit simultaneously? Can we learn to ASSUME it is normal to experience ravens giving us messages, trees talking, ancestors filling a room with their presence and synchronicities affirming our intentions?

I hear LIFE and LOVE calling us humans to get comfortable with these transformed assumptions about our true nature. This is not “woo-woo” but evolution revealing itself. We need to support each other’s knowing and ways of walking in the world because we are the imaginal cells of a profound evolutionary shift. The resistance to such profound change is monumental but if we support each other, inspire each other, and energize our community, we, here now, can contribute to the tipping point for humanity’s coming of age.

Imagine that!

Copyright Deborah Jane Milton. All Rights Reserved