CosmoBiz Magazine December 2015 | Page 58

Issue All About Hair HAIR EXTENSION PRODUCTS ANALYSIS HAIRPIECES: The Wig Alternative for Thinning Hair Sonata from Raquel Welch collection 58 COSMOBIZ SALON DECEMBER 2015 dyed to blend with your own hair. Our suggestions are all clip-in pieces that can be targeted to specific problem areas and blended seamlessly with the real hair. They’re also all one piece for the ultimate convenience. Read through and decide which piece might be best for you. Receding Hair Line Faux Fringe from the Raquel Welch collection If you have hair that is thinning in the forehead area, along the front hair line, then you may need front coverage. The best solution for you is probably a fringe piece since this type of thinning can be easily covered by beefing up the bang area. Add volume and cover an extending forehead area with Faux Fringe from the Raquel Welch collection. Simply clip in and go. images courtesy of HairUWear H air loss is not a one size fits all kind of problem. When we think of losing hair, many of us may think of a completely bald head or at least loss so substantial that a wig is needed to cover the entire head, but this is actually a less common situation. According to the American Hair Loss Association, women make up 40% of hair loss sufferers in the United States, and that doesn’t include the natural thinning process that takes place as women age. It’s much more common to fall victim to partial hair loss in certain areas of the head or an overall thinning of hair as one ages, and these kinds of hair loss are not so drastic that a full wig is needed. It’s important to know what the options are, and they extend far beyond full wigs. That’s why we’ve done a roundup of some of our favorite pieces for partial hair loss. When working with a hair piece, you’ll want to help your client trim and style the piece (if you work at a beauty supply store, you’ll want to direct the customer to a professional stylist to have the piece worked on). This is key to making the piece blend in seamlessly. When trimming, cut a little longer than your desired length for adjustment. Also, remember that it may be difficult when working with hairpieces to find the exact color to match your hair. For black or dark hair, it’s much easier, but for lighter hair it’s hard to find a perfect match. In this case, you can color a hairpiece to match your hair color. Polaris hairpieces, which are listed below, are unprocessed human hair that can be