Coffee Shop Goss Kingscliff May 2013 | Page 2

going abroad ?? • Life Path Consultation • Photo Readings • Readings by Mail • Medical Intuitive • Psychic Counselling • Gift Vouchers Available Ph - 02 6677 7517 • Mob - 0408 677 515 The lure of overseas travel can get anyone excited enough, so excited they forget about some important issues which can ruin a well-planned holiday right from the very start. These few tips will get you prepare before you book and pay for that international ticket. [email protected] A Valid Passport: A valid passport is required by every Australian if they plan to depart Australia. Application forms are available from your local post office. Passports come in 2 “sizes” - 32 pages for the infrequent traveller, and 64-pages for the “big” traveller. The cost of the passports is relevant to the HAIR DRESSER number of pages required. Adult passports are valid for 10 years, infants and children for 5 years. Tip: Because of the “European Union” - one does not get 5a Windsor Court Mob: 0438 761061 a stamp from every country of the “union” that one Pottsville NSW 2489 Ph: 02 66761061 enters and leaves - so you might consider just the 32-page passport. You’ll most likely find the passport expires before you run out of pages for stamps! HEATHERS BUSINESS CARDS.indd 1 28/11/11 10:23 AM Heather Crawley Kims Home Based Family Day Care LOOKING FOR A RELIABLE, CARING AND QUALIFIED LADY TO LOOK AFTER YOUR PRINCE OR PRINCESS????? Day and Night Care Available ONE FREE DAY TRIAL Phone Kim on 0411 028185 registered Carer with New Train Government Subsidy Like What you see? Put your business into the hands of happy relaxed diners who live locally and want to shop locally for less than the price of a cup of coffee per day!! PHONE: (07) 55131834 2 IMPORTANT: Most countries require you to have at least 6 months validity on your passport when you enter that country. Check your travel plans and ensure that when you make your last port of call outside Australia, you have at least 6 months validity on your passport. Otherwise you can be denied entry. Visas: As well as a valid passport, some countries require you to have entry/visitors visa. Some visas require you to send your application form, passport and fee to a consulate in Sydney or Canberra. Some countries allow for “Visa on Arrival” - such as Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Istanbul. Again, check with your local travel agent who can provide the correct information and even help to get the visa for you. Information provided as a courtesy by Travel Direct of Kingscliff (02) 6674-2577, subject to change. > COFFEE SHOP GOSS > KINGSCLIFF > MAY 2013