Coffee Shop Goss Kingscliff April 2013

KINGS We hope you all had a wonderful fun Easter as well as honouring the reason for this special holiday. The annual guilt of gorging on all that chocolate is on us, but everything in moderation is fine. Dark chocolate contains large amounts of flavanoids, which act as a powerful antioxidant and lowers blood pressure. So it is actually good for you. We just wanted to say a big thank you to all the supporters of Coffee Shop Goss. The response has been overwhelming to say the least. We are open to all your ideas and suggestions to make this a constant source of information for everything Kingscliff. Keep all those great ideas coming in and any information you would like to highlight for any given month send us an email. CLIFF > APRIL 2013 School Holidays are coming up soon so send in any ideas you may have to keep the little treasures happy and busy. Over the next couple of months we would like to do a feature on successful businesses in our area and see what makes them tick. If you know of a local business that is kicking some serious butt, send us an email and we will get the Goss and bring it to your local Coffee Shop. Until then support your local business Register on line to get your Coffee Shop Goss on the Go! APRIL 2013 > COFFEE SHOP GOSS > KINGSCLIFF > 1