Coaching World Issue 12: November 2014 | Page 35

Not Only Learning, But Becoming The Coach Questionnaire I used to be a trainer who asked a lot of questions. I was Number of years coaching: Six always challenging participants, asking them for the best solutions and plans for change. Some people called this style motivational and others considered it “irritational.” Looking back, I guess I was pushed into coaching clients by how energized I felt by their achievements. Unveiling new perspectives and contributing to clients’ progress and transformation was so meaningful and satisfying. In my bravest dreams, I dare to hope that coaches create a better world by improving quality of life, thoughts and actions, one client at a time. I liked coaching more and more after deciding to treat it as a serious project by completing ICF-accredited coachspecific training, dedicating serious time to study and practice, and pursuing an ICF Credential. The process helped me grow as a professional coach and as a person. Favorite powerful question: Every session is different: Clients can be challenged to think, be themselves or move forward in many different ways, knowing the previous experiences or simply based on intuition. One of the most effective questions is, “How do you feel about doing what you do now for the rest of your life?” Sometimes, the role of the coach is to unveil internal motivation; therefore, a powerful question, such as, “Who are you when you’re facing this challenge?” might push the right button. Favorite quotations: “The truth is always good news.” —Thomas Leonard The coaching profession also brings a new lifestyle. I am still working hard, but in a different way. I’m able to coach my clients via remote sessions on Skype or faceto-face by a fire on the bea