Clearview North March 2014 - Issue 148 | Page 14

INDUSTRYNEWS TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME DELIVERS G13 WIN FOR SGGUK Dara O’Brian and Chris Powell, Business Development Director of Epwin Group Window Systems Division (far right) presents Andy Hyde of Saint-Gobain Glass with their G13 Award. Continuing the company’s winning streak – it picked up the 2011 Retail Promotional Campaign of the year award – SaintGobain Glass UK has been presented with the Training & Development Initiative of the Year trophy at the recent G13 ceremony. The G-Awards judges decided that SGGUK’s ‘MKT2’ (Manufacturing Knowhow through Transfer & Training) online training system, designed specifically for the company, was a worthy winner. Although it is used throughout Saint-Gobain Glass’ 36 glass plants across the world, the UK plant in Eggborough is the leader of the project with its modules used as templates worldwide. The MKT2 program allows flexibility for the company’s operators and its continuous improvement philosophy is what sets it apart from other training programs. The company’s people train monthly enabling operational insight to be quickly shared across all shifts. Evaluations and feedback are a key part of the learning cycle as they can check knowledge retention and identify training gaps. GGF SCEPTICAL ABOUT GOVERNMENT’S GREEN DEAL OPTIMISM The Green Deal has failed to enthuse homeowners and has had no signify impact on the industry, says the GGF. The response came after GGF representatives attended the UK GBC (Green Building Council) conference “Towards Green Deal 2.0” on 21st January, at which Greg Barker MP, Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change announced the latest government figures on Green Deal and ECO. He said: “As I look back on the Green Deal’s first year, despite the critics, the programme has seen an encouraging start. The Green Deal is a world-first and long-term initiative designed to upgrade the energy efficiency of Britain’s homes. The most ambitious home improvement programme since the Second World War. But it is exactly that, a home improvement programme, not just a programme to shift finance plans.” ‘not just a programme to shift finance plans’ But the GGF’s figures showed that: Only one window installation had taken place using Green Deal finance up to December 2013; just 24 double glazing measures were installed with Cashback, up to end of December 2013, in England and Wales only; the number of window installations using ECO funding included: 1. 4 via the Carbon Saving Community element of ECO 2. These represent 0.1% of the measures installed via ECO funding 14 MAR 2014 Giles Willson, GGF Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Technical Affairs commented on the latest figures, “Green Deal has failed to enthuse homeowners and has had no significant impact on the industry. The latest Government statistics clearly show a very poor uptake and this is mainly because the scheme is overly complicated, unattractive and has not been promoted to homeowners effectively. To have such a low quantity of window installations under both Green Deal and ECO sharply underlines why the scheme is simply not working for the replacement window industry and changes have to be made.” The GGF asked the Minister, “With up to 20% of heat potentially escaping from inefficient windows, aren’t you concerned that only one window installation has happened under Green Deal?” Mr Barker said he is keen to listen to suggestions to do more for windows, “which are an important part of Green Deal and energy efficiency”. To read more, visit