Clear Nude: The Lens + the Nude, Issue IV, Summer 2015 ClearNude: The Lens + the Nude, Issue IV, Summer | Page 73

M Thom Peters y focus is the creation of beautiful artistic tion of the viewer. I accomplish this using female art mod- nudes. The following quote reflects my els in classic poses or while performing dance moves as attitude on shooting artistic nudes better back­it silhouettes. Props in simple forms are often used l than anything I could devise: indoors to assist models in posing as statuesque figures of classic form and beauty. I also use rooms as backdrops to “If I have chosen the female form in particular, it is because scenes with furniture, wood floors, and painted walls that beauty has been debased, and exploited in our sensual will engage the viewer and focus exclusively on the hu- twentieth century. We seem to have a need to turn in- man form I’m representing. These studio elements provide nocent nature into evil ugliness by the twist of the mind. a balanced and graceful staging for each moment on film. Woman has been target of much that is sordid and cheap, My outdoor work seeks to use the texture and contrast in especially in photography. To raise, to elevate, to endors