City Cottage | Page 44


Yes, we're getting ready for Christmas!

Mince pies are part of Christmas and why not make your own this year, then you can depend on the quality and taste of the mincemeat as you know what’s gone into it.

You will need some sterile jars or containers to store your mincemeat. The first recipe freezes well but only keeps about a week in a store cupboard or 10-14 days in the fridge. It's a real tangy recipe and the brandy gives it an added depth of flavour. It also makes an excellent present for someone you know who loves mince pies.

Easy Mincemeat with Brandy

Makes about 4lb/1.8kg

300g/1lb approximately Bramley apples or any cooking apples, peeled, cored and sliced thinly

225g/8oz vegetarian suet

290g/10oz soft brown sugar

1kg/2lb2oz dried fruit, raisins, sultanas and currants

110g/4oz glace cherries, quartered

½ level teaspoon mixed spice

½ level teaspoon cinnamon

zest and juice of 1 lemon

5 tablespoons brandy


1. Stew the apples gently with no water until they are soft and begining to fall and pulp. Leave to cool .

2. In a large bowl mix together all the other ingredients, making sure everything is coated in brandy.

3. When the apples are completely cool add them to the rest of the fruit mixture and combine well.

4. Place in the prepared containers and seal. Label and date.

Originally mincemeat was made with meat mixed with dried fruits and spices and preserved using brandy, whisky or rum. In Georgian times the meat was dropped and the more modern recipe was loved in Dickensian London and consequently caught on everywhere.

Image By Stuart Caie ( [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons