China Directory Best of the USA Directory 2016-2017 | Page 35

AMERICAN QUEEN STEAMBOAT COMPANY 5 6 美国女皇汽船公司载送游客们游览密 西西比河上游沿岸的中西部城镇,这 是她的八天至十天游览行程的一部 分。 American Queen Steamboat Company takes passengers to Midwest towns located along the Mississippi River as part of its eight- to 10-day cruises. 位于明尼阿波利斯的美国商城集购 物、餐饮、娱乐三者为一体,还有 诱人的明尼阿波利斯海洋生活水 族馆和乐高商店,以及有超过25 个翻山车等游乐设施的尼克罗宇宙 (Nickelodeon Universe)。 The Mall of America in Minneapolis combines shopping, dining and entertainment with enjoying attractions such as SEA LIFE Minnesota Aquarium, the LEGO Store, and the more than 25 rides and attractions that are part of Nickelodeon Universe. MALL OF AMERICA 5 6 33