China Directory Best of the USA Directory 2016-2017 | Page 26

东部地区 | East 7 8 巴尔的摩市的内港海滨是水滨景区, 有丰富的餐厅、商店和娱乐活动。 Baltimore’s Inner Harbor is a waterfront attraction with a number of restaurants, shops and activities. 8 24 The Best of the USA Directory 2016–2017 CC FLICKR/BEAU CONSIDINE: 7 At Acadia National Park along the coast of Maine, visitors can hike, see birds and animals, and enjoy scenic sunsets. KRISTI RUGG/NATIONAL PARK SERVICE 在沿缅因州海岸的阿卡迪亚国家公园 里,游客们可以尽情爬山、赏鸟、观 赏动物、享受日落的壮观景色。