China Directory Best of the USA Directory 2016-2017 | Page 12


NTA 成员在考察加利福尼亚州北部时见识了能让汽车驶过的吊灯型树 , 这是一棵 276 英尺高的红木树 。 此行程是加州旅游局为 NTA 赞助的五条考察线 路之一 , 45 名 NTA 旅游商参与了这次到加州各地考察的活动 。 ( NTA 中国入境管理项目活动 -2016 年 )
NTA members saw the drive-through Chandelier Tree , a 276-foot coastal redwood , during a tour in northern California . The itinerary was one of five that took 45 tour operators to destinations across the state . The tours were sponsored by Visit California .
NTA 中国入境管理项目
2008 年初 , 中国与美国政府实施了谅解备忘录 , 打开了中国旅游团赴美旅游的大门 。 该协议的签署 对中国和美国都是一个重大的日子 , 也为中国和美 国的旅游专业人士开辟了更好的商机 。
NTA 是旅游业界专业人士的龙头协会 , 认真审 批为中国的旅行社和出境商接待赴美旅游团的美国 地接运营商的名单 。 中国国家旅游局支持 NTA 的工 作 , 并定期将美国地接社名单上传到国家旅游局的 网站上 ( 最新名单从本名册的第 46 页开始 ) 。
按照中国国家旅游局的要求 , 所有的中国代理 商 / 旅游公司的休闲旅游团都必须与经过认证的美
China Inbound Program
In early 2008 , the Chinese and U . S . governments implemented a Memorandum of Understanding to open group leisure travel from China to the United States . The signing of the agreement was a great day for both China and the United States and opened up an opportunity for new and better business for Chinese and American travel professionals .
NTA , the leading association for travel professionals , is proud to have developed the program to maintain the list of U . S . -based tour operators who are approved to work with travel agents and tour operators in China to serve the group leisure inbound market to the United States . The China National Tourism Administration supports the NTA program and regularly posts the list of U . S . -based
10 The Best of the USA Directory 2016 – 2017