Celebrate Learning! Spring 2014 (Vol 5, Issue 2) | Page 3

Providing Opportunities for Students Rosemary Carlson Associate Professor Science & Mathematics West Campus CELT Coordinator Providing Opportunities for Students is Key according to Oklahoma CASE Carnegie U.S. Professor of the Year (2013), Mary Wells Phillips. When Professor Mary Phillips enters a room, the atmosphere of the room is immediately changed by the enthusiasm and energy that seems to buzz around her at all times. Her vision, her curiosity, and her dedication to helping her students achieve personal and academic success led to her being honored as the Oklahoma CASE Carnegie U.S. Professor of the Year for 2013. Phillips describes her 32 years of teaching biology at Tulsa Community College as a privilege and she credits her effectiveness as a teacher to her own curiosity, love of learning, and the constant evolution of her teaching skills. have the freedom to express their own questions and to begin to seek answers for themselves. Students encounter diverse learning opportunities when they enroll in a biology course taught by Phillips, including demonstrations, case studies, on-line multi-media, student presentations, and discussions. Phillips also involves students in short-term and long-term servicelearning projects because “students seem to enjoy citizen science projects, service learning projects, and/or volunteer opportunities to learn biology.” Engaging students through hands-on laboratory and field experiences allows them to model what scientists actually do. Over the years, Phillips has enjoyed traveling with groups of students both locally and internationally to exotic locations such as Belize and Costa Rica. “Traveling with students is a great way to interact and get to know students and for students to see instructors in a new light (e.g., before my first cup of coffee),” according to Phillips. “There are many serendipitous moments to mentor and connect with students. Students have shared how their li ٕ́ݕɔ)