CCR CSR WeChat Study | Page 21

CCR CSR ’ s WeSupport Platform
A Study on WeSupport , a WeChat-based Learning Platform
While WeChat clearly helped migrant workers find new friends and was rated as the second most useful function of WeChat ( Chart 7 ), it also helps create a sense of community for migrant workers who are living away from home . All interviewed workers said they browse what their friends share in their “ Moments ” on a daily basis . This “ social network ” function similar to Facebook enables them to stay connected with current events as well as the lives of friends and family elsewhere . As indicated in Chart 7 , the most important function of WeChat for users is the instance messaging and voice / video chatting functions that allow users to stay connected with their friends and other family members .
Almost all interviewed workers said they had Wi-Fi access in the factory dorms or rented apartments , so instead of making a phone call to their families , they prefer to video chat with them using WeChat whenever they can . For parents with left-behind children , this function seems especially important . 40 % of parent with left behind children thought the most important function of WeChat for them was staying connected with their children . All interviewed workers with left-behind children said they would regularly video chat with their children through their caretakers back home . ( For more details , please refer to Liu Fanghua ’ s story in the Appendices section )

CCR CSR ’ s WeSupport Platform

Since the launch of the WeSupport platform in June 2015 , 40,193 visits have been recorded in a year . The majority ( 58.3 %) of surveyed users found the WeSupport platform to be very useful while the rest found it partly useful . This survey will allow us and other service providers to understand why users found the content more or less useful and which contents most appealed to them .
Male and / or less educated users found the WeSupport platform significantly more useful than female and / or better-educated counterparts .
Chart 14 : ” How useful do you find the content / information on CCR CSR ’ s WeSupport platform ”?
A : In general B : By gender
Not Userful 0.4 %
80 %
70 %
60 %
54.3 %
62.7 %
Partly useful 41.3 %
Very useful 58.3 %
50 % 40 %
45.3 %
37.0 %
30 %
20 %
10 %
0.4 %
0.3 % Very useful Partly useful Not useful