Career Services The Career Report 2016 | Page 3

The Career Services student portal was also redesigned to address the needs of students in each of the Schools as well as to customize resource sections for veterans and other diverse populations. Downloadable resources, events calendars, a career blog, assessment tools, and job search sites are all readily accessible from the portal. Career Services Advances in the School of Graduate and Professional Studies Career Services provides the School of Graduate and Professional Studies with the means to support the needs of non-traditional students by adding a variety of ways to make the resources and information readily available to students in preparing for their job search and in assessing their strengths, interests, and values. One of these resources is the addition of a new online portal specifically for the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. Designed for adult learners, the portal provides accessibility to a multitude of career resources and information within each element of Career Architecture. The portal can be used as a teaching tool in individualized meetings or by the student independently. It also provides students a step by step career guide assisting them with career exploration through the job search process. Additionally, the Office of Career Services has developed resources and materials to meet the diverse needs of this population. One resource that has been notably helpful to these students has been a new resume format. This format is different than the traditional resume, designed to highlight the student’s skills sets and educational coursework by identifying and relating their skills to the requirements of the position, providing career focus and direction. It already has been extremely helpful in establishing the framework for starting a new career, changing careers, or building new skills for current careers. Industry Recruiting Brought Into the Classroom: Marketing 316–Negotiation and Sales In fall 2014, the Office of Career Services approached Jim Kucher, Assistant Professor in Business Administration, about having an employer visit the Negot