CMU Career Guide Central Michigan University Career Guide | Page 37

students with disabilities Acing the Interview The traditional face-to-face interview can be particularly stressful when you have a disability. Employers may have had little prior experience with this and, unfortunately, may react with discomfort or even shock. If this happens, they (and you) may be uncomfortable and just want to “get it over with.” This scenario, however, robs you of the opportunity to present your credentials and could prevent the employer from identifying you as a suitable, qualified candidate for employment. Always remember that interviewing is not a passive process where the interviewer asks all the questions. You, even more than applicants without disabilities, must be skilled in putting the employer at ease. You must also be able to demonstrate your ability to manage your disability and be prepared to provide relevant information about your skills, experiences, and educational background. To Disclose or Not to Disclose To disclose or not to disclose, and when and how to disclose, are decisions that you must make for yourself during the job search process. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you are not legally obligated to disclose your disability unless it is likely to directly affect your job performance. On the other hand, if your disability is visible, it will be evident at the time of your interview, so it may be more prudent to acknowledge your disability during the application process to avoid catching the employer off guard. Reasons for Disclosing You take a risk when you decide to disclose your disability. Some employers may reject your application based on negative, preconceived ideas about people with disabilities. Or, you may feel that the issue is too personal to be publicized among strangers. Be aware that if you provide false answers about your health or disability on an application, and the truth is discovered later, you risk losing your job. You may even be held legally responsible if you failed to disclose and an on-site accident occurs related to your disability. Timing the Disclosure The employer’s first contact with you will typically be through your cover letter and resume. There are many differing opinions on whether you should mention your disability on those initial documents. If you are comfortable revealing your disability early in the process, then give careful consideration to where the information is placed and how it is stated. The cover letter and resume should primarily outline your relevant skills, experiences, and education as related to the position for which you are applying. Above all, make sure employers have a solid understanding of your suitability for the position. If you choose to disclose your disability, make it brief and place it near the end of the cover letter and resume. Make sure to reveal your ability to manage your disability while performing the required job functions. When You Get the Interview As stated earlier, it may not be wise to hide your disability until the time of the interview. The employer may be surprised, uncomfortable, or assume that you intentionally hid critical information. As a result, the employer may spend more time asking irrelevant and trivial questions rather than focusing on your suitability for the position. Get assistance from Career Services about how to prepare the interviewer for your arrival, and take the time to rehearse. If you require support for your interview, contact human resources in advance to arrange for this assistance. Advanced preparation shows that you can manage yourself and your needs. 37