Canadian RMT Magazine Spring 2016 Apr. 2016 | Page 20

6 The Primary Causes of Chronic Pain For the past 10 years, I have been a chronic pain educator & researcher, which has led me to discover the following 6 primary causes of chronic debilitating pain. I have found that all chronic pain conditions, and many disease conditions, have their very roots in these 6 Key Primary Causes! First, the Key is to understand what is stress, & the how these 6 causes initiate and maintain stress on the nervous system, creating an environment where chronic pain can exist. There are two nervous systems involved, parasympathetic (PNS: mellow/healing) and sympathetic (SNS: flight/fight/stress). During the SNS phase, all the blood moves from your organs to your muscles to prepare for engagement. This system was originally designed for short term stressful situations, like tiger attacks. Today’s modern society is very different, long term sympathetic stress produces huge imbalances in the autonomic nervous system, which in turn controls your entire body. It’s like putting your foot on the gas pedal of your nervous system all the time. All 6 Primary trigger or maintain up-regulation of the sympathetic nervous system, causing the body to maintain a “flight or fight” state for extended long periods of time. All disease and pain need this stressful environment to exist. Parasympathetic nervous system is in full charge of healing, growth and maintenance. Most autonomi