Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network August 2014 | Page 140

19. Gently shake your cookie or tap it on your bench to bring up any air bubbles, use your toothpick to remove bubbles and settle the royal icing if it does not settle on it’s own. 22. This technique is piping and flooding using two Royal Icing consistencies, enabling you to outline one colour and flood in a different colour if desired. 20. When your first colour is dry, you can then begin the 2nd colour. First pipe your outline, then flood your cookie. 23. Another technique is using ‘flooding’ RI consistency to both outline and flood your cookie, so the outline settles as one and is not so visible on a 15 count and not visible on a 10 count RI. TIP – Do not make it too thin as you do not want it to spread/fall over the side of your cookie. Using your desired flooding consistency RI, outline the entire cookie. 21. Tap or shake your cookie on the bench and use a toothpick to pop any air bubbles and settle the RI into the corners if it needs assistance. 24. Immediately, flood your cookie with the flooding consistency RI. 25. Tap or shake your cookie to settle the RI and bring up any air bubbles. 28. To have a detailed, raised outline for a completely different effect, your base RI must be crusted or dried before doing so. Using ‘piping’ consistency, begin piping your outline, remembering to guide your RI in place and release your squeezing pressure and come to a stop at the corners. 26. Whilst your cookie RI base is still wet, you can add another colour and create a pattern, using dots, stripes or any shape, By using the same consistency of RI, it will settle into the one layer, called wet on wet. 27. Tap your cookie carefully or use your toothpick to swirl out any air bubbles and flatten any peaks caused from pulling the RI up and away, although, as you have used ‘flooding’ consistency RI it should settle nicely into the one layer. 29. TIP - To aid in drying or crusting your cookies faster, using a fan comes in very handy. This or a dehumidifier is a necessary tool to have if you are in a hot, humid climate. 30. This is just a different look using the same shape cookie. There are many ideas and techniques that can be used when piping and flooding with Royal Icing.