Business First Digital, March 2017 Business First Digital Magazine, March 2017 | Page 66


Eight ways to gain trust in a sales

by Essie Rewane-Adejare of presentation Toastmasters International

hen delivering a sales presentation , one of your aims is to build trust

Wwith your audience . As sales guru Zig Ziglar says ; if you get people to like you , they will listen to you , but if they trust you they will do business with you .

So how do you build trust ? Essie Rewane­ Adejare from Toastmasters International suggests eight ways to gain your audience ’ s trust during a sales presentation :

1Demonstrate your personal credibility

Know the product or service , and your company , inside out . Be knowledgeable about your industry and relevant news . Trust depends on your personal credibility .

2Start as you mean to go on

For example , start your presentation with a question . This will show you are ready to handle whatever is thrown at you .
If you are introducing an innovative new product you may want to begin with a short interactive exercise .
This will show that your style of presenting matches the innovative nature of the product . Or , you may want to ask questions that relate to the desired change the audience is seeking ­ knowing that your product or service is the solution .

3Put your audience ’ s needs first

Focus on the audience and demonstrate your understanding of their challenges as they relate to the solutions offered by your product or service .
This will mean your audience gains an understanding of the value with relevance to their specific situation .

4Create a connection between your product / service and the audience .

Your audience will develop more trust in a product they ’ ve seen working or if they ’ ve heard credible testimonials from high­quality , believable sources .

5Plan your visual aids carefully Where possible , use images and video clips rather than wordy bullet points . This is because psychologically they help to make a more immediate and strong connection . However , you need to take account of the culture of the audience to whom you are presenting .

If you are presenting a complex product to expert buyers , you may need to have detailed slides available .

6Keep your audience interested Be animated . Vary your modulation . Avoid filler words such as ‘ um , uh , so , like , you know , actually , literally ’ etc .

Too many filler words will create distraction , and compromise your credibility by suggesting a lack of preparation , knowledge and passion .
Rehearsing , and ideally videoing , your presentation will help you to use your voice and words to best effect .
Aim to pronounce your words clearly , keep your focus on your audience , and demonstrate appropriate enthusiasm and energy .

7Handle Questions and Answers assertively

Keep the answers brief . Answer the question that has been asked and don ’ t be tempted to go off on a tangent .
If you genuinely do not know the answer to a question ­ promise to get back to them ( and remember to do so ).
If , part way through your presentation , you can see that a key decision maker is looking quizzical stop and ask if s / he has a question .

8Close with care

How you end your presentation is very important . Your choice should be based on your understanding of your audience and where they are in their decision making process .
For example , briefly summarise what you have understood from them and the positive way you can solve their problem . Alternatively , if an immediate sales is on the cards I like to use the Indirect Close . Remind your audience of the pain they will continue to suffer until they use your products . Offer a bonus if they buy today .
Your knowledge of the audience will guide you to the appropriate close .
This final part of the presentation is crucial to your goal ; if you want to make a sale , then practice your close in advance . On the day use your personal credibility and build on the trust you have established .
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