Briefing Papers Number 11, January 2011 | Page 14

21 For one example see: Inter-American Development Bank. “TC0108017: Investment of Remittances.” projects/project,1303.html?id=TC0108017. Hall, Joan. 2010. “Ten Years of Innovation in Remittances: Lessons Learned and Models for the Future.” getdocument.aspx?docnum=35163520 22 USAID. January 2010. “USAID Mexico Country Profile.” www. 23 Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL). 2009. “Panorama Social de América Latina 2009.” World Bank Country Brief, Mexico. 0,,contentMDK:22252113~pagePK:1497618~piPK:217854~theSite PK:338397,00.html#economy. 24 Burstein, John. April 2007. 25 Zepeda, Eduardo. December 2009. “Rethinking Trade Policy for Development: Lessons From Mexico Under NAFTA. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. files/nafta_trade_development.pdf. 26 Ibid. 27 Uphaus, Charles. June 2008. 28 World Bank. 2007. 29 Pingali, Prabhu. 2010. Agriculture Renaissance: “Making Agriculture for Development” Work in the 21st Century. Handbook of Agricultural Economics. Vol. 4. Chapter 74. Pgs. 3867-3889. 30 Ibid. 31 World Bank. 2007. 32 Edwards, Sebastian. July 2009. “Forty Years of Latin America’s Economic Development: From the Alliance for Progress to the Washington Consensus.” National Bureau of Economic Research. http:// of%20LatAmEcDevel%20-%20SEdwards%20-%20NBERw15190%20 -%202009%2007.pdf. 33 Fernandez-Kelly and Douglas Massey. 2007. “Borders for Whom? The Role of NAFTA in Mexico-U.S. Migration.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. World Bank. 2005. “A Study of Rural Poverty in Mexico.” Durand, Jorge. 2009. “Processes of Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean (1950-2008). United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Paper 24. Quintana, Victor, et. al. 2003. “Contribución de las Diversas Formas de Acción Promovidas por el Frente Democratico Campesino de Chihuahua.” 34 Fernandez-Kelly and Douglas Massey. 2007. Fox, Jonathan and Libby Haight. 2010. “Subsidios para la Desigualdad.” Wodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. 35 World Bank. 2007 Fox, Jonathan and Libby Haight. 2010. 36 Fox, Jonathan and Libby Haight. 2010. 14  Briefing Paper, December 2010 37 World Bank. “A Study of Rural Poverty in Mexico.” August 2005. Study_of_Rural_Poverty_in_Mexico.pdf. 38 Fox, Jonathan and Libby Haight. 2010. Perez, Mamerto, et. al. 2008. “The Promise and the Perils of Agricultural Trade Liberalization: Lessons from Latin America.” http://ase. 39 Phone interview with Chuck Barrett, economic development consultant for Catholic Relief Services, Mexico. July 2010. 40 Millennium Challenge Corporation. October 2008. “Scorecard for El Salvador, Fiscal Year 2009 (English).” El%20Salvador.pdf. 41 El Salvador Compact Implementation Status Report. April-June 2010. Millennium Challenge Corporation. reports/qsr-imp-elsalvador.pdf. 42 Broetje Orchards website. cfm?pageId=B88D4922-1288-DAA5-01DEE63A59EEC24A 43 Phone interview with Suzanne Broetje, Vista Hermosa Foundation Executive Director. July 2010. 44 Phone interview with Chuck Barrett, economic development consultant for Catholic Relief Services, Mexico. July 2010. 45 Ibid. 46 Pingali, Prabhu. 2010. 47 World Bank. 2007. 48 Partners of the Americas. 2008. “Farmer to Farmer Program: Guyana Organic Pineapple Project.” / What_We_Do/FTF/Success_Stories/Guyana%20Pineapple%20Project.pdf. 49 Quintana, Victor, et. al. 2003. 50 Fox, Jonathan and Libby Haight. 2010. 51 In person interview with Pedro Torres, FDC Director. August 2010 52 World Bank. 2007 53 In person interview with Jesus Emiliano, FDC Advisor. August 2010. 54 Phone interview with Daniel Delgado, FDC member. August 2010. 55 In person interview with Arturo Caraveo, FDC member. August 2010. 56 Phone interview with FDC member Isidro Molinar. August 2010. 57 World Bank. 2007 58 In person interview with Antonio Garcia. August 2010. 59 Mendola, Mariapia. May 2006. “Rural Out-Migration and Economic Development at Origin: What do We Know?” University of Sussex. 60 Letouze, Emmanuel, et. al. 2009. “Revisiting the Migration-Development Nexus: A Gravity Model Approach.” United Nations Development Program. papers/HDRP_2009_44.pdf. Klugman, Joni. 2009. 61 Brands, Hal. May 2009. The Mérida Initiative 1 Seelke, Clare. August 2009. “Mérida Initiative for Mexico and Central America: Funding and Policy Issues.” Congressional Research Service. Initiative%20for%20Mexico%20and%20Central%20America%20Fund-