BioVoice News April 2017 Issue 11 Volume 1 | Page 70

news bytes BIRAC sets up 2nd regional entrepreneurship centre in Bengaluru The Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms- C-CAMP, technology and innovation hub, will house the BIRAC Regional Entrepreneurship Centre (BREC) in Bengaluru. The centre has been set up by the Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council with the objective of encouraging the spirit of bio-entrepreneurship, facilitating the creation of life science start-ups and mentoring start- ups to increase their chances of success. The IKP Knowledge Park in Bangalore already hosts BIRAC Regional Innovation Centre (BRIC) that was set up in 2013 to further BIRAC’s mandate of building a deeper understanding of the capacity and gaps in innovation 70 BioVoiceNews | April 2017 besides developing targeted programmes to fulfil its broad vision of stimulating, fostering and enhancing biotech innovation and entrepreneurship in the country. Proposed activities at BREC in C-CAMP include b