Benjamin Franklin Middle School Student/Parent Handbook 2016-2017 | Page 51

         Possession of a weapon, imitation weapon, or anything that can be used to seriously injure a person; The illegal sale, possession, consumption, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances on or near school property, school bus, or at any school function; Other behaviors that are deemed inappropriate by administrator or staff; Gang-related materials, clothing, or the like; Assault on a teaching staff member or other employee; Assault of another student with a weapon; Threats to others; Inappropriate sexual behavior; Harassing or bullying behavior based on but not limited to personal characteristics such as race, ethnicity, sexual preference or orientation. Please refer to Policy 5600 Pupil Discipline/Code of Conduct, which is available on the Board website, for further information regarding discipline in the schools. Suspended students are not allowed on school grounds without the permission of the Superintendent. Educational services, in school or out of school, shall be provided within five days of suspension. If a student with a disability is suspended, educational services shall be provided according to student’s IEP. Student Rights - Short-Term Suspension (removal for 10 school days or fewer)  Oral or written notice of charges to the student and student’s parents/guardians as soon as practicable; an explanation of evidence supporting the charges when they are denied; an informal hearing prior to the suspension, if practicable, where the student has an opportunity to present his/her side of the story; and notification to the student’s parents/guardians of removal prior to end of the school day on which the decision to suspend was made.  Educational services, in school or out of school, within five days of suspension.  If a student with a disability is suspended, educational services shall be provided according to student’s IEP. Student Rights - Long-Term Suspension (removal for more than 10 school days)  Immediate notification of charges to student and parents/guardians prior to removal;  Supervision of the student while he/she is waiting to be removed;  Written notification to parents/guardians within two school days of the suspension, stating the specific charges, facts, and the student’s due process rights; 47