Benjamin Franklin Middle School Student/Parent Handbook 2016-2017 | Page 45

Imitation Fire Arms ( Toy Guns )
Imitation fire arms ( toy guns ) are prohibited in or around the school , and can be considered weapons . Any student found in violation of this rule is subject to disciplinary actions imposed by the school and may be reported to local law enforcement .
Gang Insignia / Activity
Students shall not wear or possess any clothing , jewelry , symbol or other object that may evidence membership in or affiliation with any gang . A student shall not commit any act , verbal or non-verbal , in furtherance of the interests of any gang or gang activity .
Substance Abuse
The District prohibits the use , possession , and / or distribution of drugs and alcohol on or near school grounds , at any event away from the school grounds that is sponsored by the District and on any transportation vehicle provided by the District . The District has established consequences for drug and alcohol offenses and for any student who does not follow through on the recommendations for treatment or evaluation for alcohol or other drug abuse and related behaviors . Please refer to Policy 5530 Substance Abuse , which is available on the Board website , for further information .
Smoking & Tobacco
The District prohibits smoking and the use of tobacco products by students , staff and visitors at any time in school buildings , on school grounds , at events sponsored by the District away from school and on any transportation vehicle supplied by this District . “ Smoking ” means the burning of a lighted cigar , cigarette , pipe or any other matter or substance that contains tobacco , reconstituted tobacco , and the use of smokeless tobacco and snuff . Please refer to Policy 5533 Pupil Smoking , which is available on the Board website , for further information .
Students must be mindful that New Jersey law prohibits a broad range of conduct between students ( and others ) which may constitute “ inappropriate sexual contact ” ( as defined by NJ criminal statutes and which is not limited to actual physical contact ) and more serious crimes . Students are entitled to feel and be safe while under the School ’ s supervision . “ Sexual contact ” ( physical or otherwise ) is absolutely prohibited between staff ( or other members of the school community ) and any and all students . If any student , staff member , volunteer , or any other person is concerned that such conduct ( attempted or actual ) has occurred , is occurring , or is about to occur , such concern must be immediately reported to the Affirmative Action Officer .
Academic Dishonesty Including : Plagiarism / Cheating
Academic dishonesty is strictly prohibited whether in research papers , essays , reports , images , take-home examinations , and all other academic work . Plagiarism includes use , without acknowledgement , of the ideas , words , formulas , textual materials , on-line services , computer programs , etc . of another person , or in any way presenting the work of another person as one ’ s own .