Benjamin Franklin Middle School Student/Parent Handbook 2016-2017 | Page 23

Any parent/guardian who believes that a student may be eligible for services under Section 504 should seek assistance from the Building Section 504 Officer Transgender Students The District is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment for all students. The District shall ensure that all students, including transgender students, have equal educational opportunities and equal access to the District’s educational programs and activities. The District will comply with Federal and State laws and regulations regarding transgender students and no student shall be subjected to discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression. The District will ensure the privacy of transgender students to the extent permitted by law. The District will not question or disregard the assertion of a student’s gender identity. However, the Superintendent or designee may question a student’s asserted gender identity when there is credible basis for believing the student’s gender identity is being asserted for some improper purpose. The District recognizes school-related issues regarding transgender students will vary on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, the Superintendent or designee will meet with the parent and the student to discuss school-related issues, including but not limited to, names/pronouns, student records, restrooms, locker rooms, physical education classes, intramurals programs, interscholastic athletics, and dress codes. Visitors All visitors are required to sign in at the Principal’s Office in order to receive a Visitor’s Pass to visit classrooms or any other part of the school building and grounds. Parents/guardians wishing to visit the school or sit in on classes must telephone or submit such requests in writing at least one day prior to the visit, so that arrangements can be made to accommodate the visitor. Visitors without a pass may be considered trespassers. Reports to The Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P) All school district personnel, including teaching staff members, support staff members and volunteers, are charged by law with the responsibility for reporting suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect. The suspicion of child abuse and/or neglect may be based on the complaints of the child or on the direct observations of the employee over a period of time or both. If child abuse and/or neglect are suspected, the matter will be reported to DCP&P immediately. A report will then be made to the Principal/designee. The Principal or his/her designee will report the matter to local law enforcement. 19