Benjamin Franklin Middle School Student/Parent Handbook 2016-2017 | Page 15

Access During School Day: Individual Student Use:  A student may use the library/media center for book selection, research or reading for pleasure.   A student may use the media center during lunch, study, and before and after school every day, except when there is a meeting in the library/media center. A student must have a pass from the librarian if they want to go to the library before 8:20 AM or after school. During the course of the day, a student must obtain a special pass from a teacher. They will not be permitted in the library, even at recess without a pass. If the library/ media center is occupied and the library media specialist is busy with a class, you will have to return at a later time. Seating: Only sit next to someone with whom you can work. If necessary, the library media specialist or the teacher will assign seats as may be appropriate. Computer Use: Computers in the Media Center are for everyone to use for research. There are a number of CD-ROMS and other references for students and teachers to use. DISTRICT-PROVIDED ACCESS TO ELECTRONIC INFORMATION RESOURCES Teaneck is very fortunate to be able to provide our students with activities and projects that involve the use of the internet. We believe that the internet offers vast, diverse and invaluable resources to our students. The District’s goal in providing this access is to promote academic growth and excellence in our schools. With the potential use of the internet, our responsibilities and rights for that use grow. Students and staff are responsible for acceptable behavior on the school computer system just as they are in a classroom or hallway. Policy, regulations, and procedures for behavior, discipline, and the use of District-provided technology apply. You will receive a copy of a District-Provided Access to Electronic Information Policy. The Teaneck Board of Education construed this policy in order to address the issues involved with the rights and responsibilities when using District-Provided technology. Additionally, please refer to Policy 3283 Electronic Communications Between Teaching Staff Members and Students, and Policy 4283 Electronic Communication Between Support Staff Members and Students, both of which are available on the Board website. Please review these policies with your daughter and/or son. In order to access District computers and the internet while at school, you must complete and return the form to the main office. If you have any questions regarding the policy and regulations, please contact the principal’s office at (201) 833-5450. 11