Creek Speak | Page 4

on your bed, or your most comfortable couch and just sit back and watch all the movies you want. Just you do you, gurl, and watch whatcha want. 11.) ​Take a nap:​ Now all that is over with and you are just done with the human population, go to bed. Maybe you stayed up countless hours watching your favorite TV show, or you just studied way too hard. Just go to bed and forget everything; 10/10 would recommend. And, the most important tip: 12.)​ Be prepared:​ Knowing the material well ahead of time is by far the best thing you could actually do to be less stressed. Last-minute study sessions are always a bad idea. Make sure to break up the studying load and manage your time well. With a well-balanced schedule, you are sure to succeed. Good luck! How to Choose Gifts for Hipsters by Sofia Ozambela We all have that “hipster” friend, the one who casually sports a nose ring with a Nepalese beanie, a vintage jacket, and a mixtape in their denim pocket. Maybe that description