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Beating Stress the Easy Way: 12 Tips on How to Manage Stress This Finals Season by Josh Soto and Colista Bird The holiday season is something we all look forward to. However, the most wonderful time of the year is simultaneously the most stressful time of the year because of one word: finals. Starting the first week of December, reality sets in that there are only two weeks left to save the semester. In order to keep a level head and do your best, keep these twelve tips in mind on how to beat stress and ultimately conquer your finals. 1.) Cry​: Let’s admit it, no matter how hard you study, there is always the possibility you will bomb the test and fail the whole class altogether. Coping with this, you decide to curl up in a ball to contemplate that if you fail this test, you will fail as a human being and will be a disgrace to your family. Okay, get it together, missy. You aren’t gonna fail the test if you are prepared. Take a deep breath and relax. You got this. Here are a few things you can do so you don’t have the biggest breakdown this finals week. 2.) Diet​: The most important place to start is with your diet. We’ve all heard the saying “you are what you eat,” and that becomes especially true during finals season. It’s time to forgo the lattes and bring on the fruits and veggies. Trade in those fast-food lunches for more decent ingredients more worth your time. Almonds, blueberries, fish, and other nutrient-rich foods have been proven to boost brain activity, adding to your likelihood of success. 3.) Shoes​: During the study process, it’s imperative that you take regular breaks, giving your brain a chance to absorb the material. With this free time you can treat-yo-self. Our top suggestion for filling this time would be to hit up your local shoe store, find the prettiest pumps on display, find your size, and strut your stuff. Now, we are aware that trying on shoes has not scientifically been proven to increase test scores, but everyone can agree that it helps you blow off steam and have a little fun. Just be sure to not break your ankle.