Badassery Magazine Issue 8 January 2017 | Page 45

About the Author
6 . SPEAKING YOUR TRUTH . People forget , even myself , that this in itself can be a self-care ritual . Owning your power , standing in your light and saying it how it is . Trust me , it ’ s easier said than done ! When you ’ re meditating you can ask the Universe to help you take back your power in situations and to give you the courage to speak your truth . Or , say a prayer asking for help speaking your truth . I guarantee you will be helped ! This has been a lesson for me the past three months – and there is nothing more empowering than taking back your power and speaking your inner core truth !!! Try it babe ! It will be scary initially , but the end result is worth it !
7 . TRUST THE UNIVERSE HAS YOUR BACK . I have been reading Gabby Bernstein ’ s new book , “ The Universe Has Your Back ” and when we surrender our will to the power of the Universe , we receive miracles . Give yourself permission to surrender and let go is one of the most profound self-care practices . Giving up control and knowing that you are not alone in what you are meant to do here on Earth is a blessing .
These seven practices have helped me through years of ascension and spiritual growth , traveling as a spokesmodel as well as the past few months . The majority of 2016 I was traveling extensively with Harley Davidson as an official spokesmodel . I bet you ’ re thinking , “ what a badass job !” And it was , I cannot complain about that . But what people saw on social media as glitz and glamour was nothing of the sorts behind the scenes .
Don ’ t get me wrong I would never change it for the world , and I would do it all over again if I had too ! It was fun and amazing ! Through it all , I was still able to stay true to who I was , as a spiritual being and not let a world
so far removed from spirituality keep me from being happy and taking care of myself . In October of 2016 , I said goodbye to that world once and for all though as my spiritual gifts were calling me full time .
We left 2016 in 2016 , a nine year of monumental release . The year 2017 is about owning our POWER and shining our light BRIGHT . Start the year off by creating a simple self-care ritual . It does not have to be lengthy or complicated . Take some time for yourself and make the intention of taking care of YOU . Make 2017 the year you become an even more powerful and beautiful version of yourself . Become a spiritual rockstar and shine the star that you are . In the end your lifestyle , mind , body , and spirit , family and friends will all benefit !
Love + light babes ! apple

About the Author

Stephanie is a Self-Care Brand Goddess and Spiritual Rockstar . A health and fitness professional by trade , she incorporates her training along with her spiritual teaching to offer her own special sauce as a self-care brand goddess . Having spent the last decade or more experiencing a transformational spiritual evolution , she is now answering the call to share her gifts with the world . She has traveled extensively as a spokesmodel for Harley Davidson and for leisure ; travel being one of her passions in life . Self-care rituals have defined her life and are now an anchor of her lifestyle . Her teaching style is inspirational and real world , drawing on her wide berth of life experiences . She motivates women on how to stay true to their inner light – knowing that being and feeling glamorous starts from the inside out .

stephieray . com � �