Badassery Magazine Issue 7 December | Page 40

on in their personal or business life that you are not aware of .
It could also be the case that they simply were not giving the right amount of attention , waited until the last minute , did not have the skills necessary to do it , did not have the proper instructions from you to carry the job out or simply that this person is no longer dedicated to doing the projects that you two agreed to work on together .
It is important to figure out the root of the problem .


ABOUT WHAT BOTH OF YOU ( OR THE TEAM ) CAN DO BETTER IN THE FU- TURE Recognize that the failure of a task or a project is not always the fault of the person who had responsibility for it . It ’ s possible that you gave someone a deadline that was coming up too quickly or that your instructions were wildly unclear .
important for you to recognize when something is not working any more . As business owners it is tempting to want to keep everyone , particularly someone who already knows all of your passwords and materials and how you like things done .
However , releasing that person when it is necessary can allow for the universe to send someone even better in their place . Make sure that your team members are supporting you rather then dragging you down or giving you extra unnecessary work . Not every employee is going to be right fit for you and it may take some time to find the right balance .

About the Author

One of the most common ways that this happens is that you tell someone to go do a task and then don ’ t realize how long they are going to spend on it . If you thought the task would take an hour and you receive an invoice for 10 hours , it ’ s very easy to get angry and frustrated and shut down right away . Use this as a learning opportunity and acknowledge the role that you played in this project not coming to fruition . There ’ s a good chance changes can be made on both sides .


Although that everyone will make mistakes and you should certainly never hold someone to a 100 % perfection standard it ’ s equally important to recognize a pattern . You may have to let go a digital team member who simply no longer has the capacity or interest to continue working on your team .
This is a very difficult decision to make and one that is often uncomfortable , but it is also extremely 39
Laura Pennington is a freelance writer and digital project manager who now helps others get the most out of their online business by scaling using digital teams and productivity hacks .
She blogs for business owners at www . betterbizacademy . com .