Badassery Magazine Issue 6 | Page 39

Snapchat VS. Instagram Stories ...What’s the deal? by Glady Dalton A s a loyal Snapchatter, I was a little stubborn about trying out Instagram Stories. Like, why does it need to exist? It’s just a copy of Snapchat. I don’t want to update both! All of the above are actual thoughts I had that stopped me from playing with it. As with all social media, we need to adapt daily as there are always changes and new ways to connect with people. So, I finally got my head out of my Snapchat loyal butt, and tried it out for the first time with a real paying client in my studio! Hahaha we actually did it together. Both our Instagram Story virginities were taken during that product photoshoot. And guess what? I didn’t hate it. In fact, I got some awesome positive feedback from doing it. A client of mine saw my story and messaged me about how excited they are about their upcoming session because they saw how I work, my wild personality, and what my home studio looks like. They were so jazzed up for it to be their turn. While I get that reaction from Snapchat, too. It’s a different audience reach than Instagram Stories. And THAT is my main point of this article. Sure, I have some overlap between my Snapchat followers and my Instagram Story viewers (I don’t know what anything’s official title is), but it’s a small overlap. You can totally get some of your target clients to follow you on Snapchat, but I can bet that most of you reading have a larger target client audience on Instagram. Does that mean you should just drop Snapchat and switch over completely? Not necessarily. Here’s the breakdown: You can be more targeted & specific with your stories on Instagram because you likely have different accounts for personal & business(es). So, for me I can keep my stock photo stories on Heart take the Wheel and my portrait stuff on Glady Anne Photography and if I wanted to go pet crazy or kid, I can keep that shiz on my personal insta. Snapchat is great for telling the whole story. Your businesses & personal life under one roof. Howev38